
Courses or workshops on professional skills, such as communication, teamwork, and ethical considerations in computing.

North Carolina Open University

A study program in computing typically provides a comprehensive education in various aspects of computer science and information technology, preparing students for careers in software development, systems analysis, data science, and other related fields. Below is a detailed description of a typical program, which may vary across institutions.

Covers the basic concepts of computer science, including algorithms, data structures, programming fundamentals and introduces the fundamental principles of computer architecture and the organization of computing systems.

Explores advanced data structures and algorithms for problem-solving and efficient computation.

Software Engineering:

  • Covers the software development life cycle, project management, and best practices in software design and testing.
  • Examines the principles and functionality of operating systems.
  • Provides hands-on experience in programming, emphasizing problem-solving and code optimization.
  • Web Development: Introduces web technologies, including HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and frameworks for building dynamic web applications.
  • Covers the principles of database systems, SQL, and database administration.
  • Explores the management and analysis of large datasets.
North Carolina Open University
North Carolina Open University
North Carolina Open University
North Carolina Open University

Examines the principles of computer networking, including protocols, network design, and security.
Focuses on the protection of computer systems, networks, and data from security breaches.
Covers the basics of artificial intelligence, including machine learning algorithms and applications.
Explores techniques for discovering patterns and insights from large datasets.
Teaches the development of mobile applications for platforms such as iOS and Android.
Covers cloud architecture, virtualization, and the deployment of applications on cloud platforms.
A culminating experience where students apply their skills to develop a significant software project or conduct research in a specific area of computing.
Many programs include opportunities for internships or co-op experiences to provide students with real-world exposure to the industry.
Courses or workshops on professional skills, such as communication, teamwork, and ethical considerations in computing.
Emphasis on staying current with emerging technologies and trends, including courses on the Internet of Things (IoT), blockchain, and other relevant technologies.